A Better Understanding
A neuropsychological evaluation is a specialized form of psychological testing that is conducted in order to better understand a person’s cognitive and intellectual functioning with respect to brain injury (such as caused by trauma, stroke, oxygen deprivation, etc.) or developmental conditions such as learning disabilities or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
This evaluation involves:
- A clinical interview with the client to discuss his or her educational, medical, and work background and any history of injury, learning, and/or attentional problems. It is often helpful to have an involved family member participate in the interview, which usually lasts 60-90 minutes.
- Several hours of testing on a one-to-one basis. Most of this testing is done across a table from the examiner; some may be done at a computer.
- A feedback session with the neuropsychologist who has led your evaluation to discuss findings and recommendations
- Conduct neuropsychological evaluations to provide updated information on an individual’s cognitive functioning and psychological wellbeing.

Frequently Asked Questions
How long does the testing take?
The evaluation is usually scheduled either in one full day (from about 9:00 AM –4:30 PM) or in two half-days depending on the client’s schedule and ability to sustain effort and focus. If needed, testing is sometimes scheduled in 3 shorter sessions. A lunch breaks is always included in a full testing day, as well as other short rest breaks.
What kinds of tests are given?
Testing consists of various brief tasks that help assess attention, memory, intellectual ability, visual-perceptual and visual-motor ability, executive functions, and fine motor coordination. Academic skills such as reading, spelling, writing and math are often included as well, though these usually make up only a smaller part of the testing day. The test battery is customized for each client depending on his or her situation and the questions being addressed in the evaluation.
Where is the evaluation performed?
At our offices at 1368 Beacon Street in Brookline. If a client cannot climb the stairs to our second floor suite, we will try to make arrangements to meet in a handicap-accessible office.
How often does someone need to have a neuropsychological evaluation?
That depends on the client’s situation. Some clients may have one evaluation and never need to be tested again. For others, re-evaluation may be helpful in a year or longer to monitor for changes over time as one recovers from an illness or injury. If someone’s condition is expected to change more quickly over time, such as in early recovery from a traumatic brain injury or stroke, re-testing in 6-12 months may be helpful.
If testing is being done for educational purposes, re-evaluation every three years may be required by schools to provide updated documentation of a student’s need for accommodations.
Who has access to the results of my evaluation?
By law, only the client or a minor’s parent/guardian has the right to the report. With your written permission, your report or information about your evaluation can be released to an insurance company, medical providers, or other professionals. See our HIPAA page for more information.
How do I make an appointment for myself, my family member, or my patient?
Just call our office manager Deb Petrie at 617-959-1010 or email her at dpetrie@neuropsychnewengland.com
Coverage For Services
At Neuropsychology New England we are in-network providers with several insurances and can accept some other insurance plans with out-of-network benefits. We are also providers for the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC). We accept some workers compensation coverage and some automobile insurance plans. Our office manager Debra Petrie will be happy to discuss your insurance coverage with you and to contact your insurer to verify your benefits and obtain their authorization for services. Call Deb at 617-959-1010 or email her at dpetrie@neuropsychnewengland.com.
We can arrange for affordable payment plans for those clients who would like to use our services and do not have insurance coverage we accept. It is important to understand that nearly all health insurance plans cover neuropsychological evaluation related to injury or illness but not for educational purposes only.
Mon – Fri |
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM |
Evenings | By Appointment |
Saturdays | By Appointment |
” The clinical services Neal McGrath, Ph.D. & Associates provide have been extremely helpful in assisting me do my job as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. …Each staff clinician has always worked individually with myself and my clients to ensure all diagnostic questions are answered as requested.”
Amanda Fitzgerald, CRC, M.Ed.| Senior Vocational Rehabiltation Counselor